kids & Students

sunday school

  • We are looking forward to starting up our regular programs within children’s ministries this year – including Sunday School, KidZone & LittleLites, and Children’s Church! If you have a child between the ages of 2 years of age and 6th grade please register them.

  • Sunday Mornings


Little Lites

  • "For kids 2-3 years old to come and shine for Jesus, bringing out the God-colors in the world." - Matt 5.14 (Msg)

    LittleLites meets Wednesday nights during the School year at 6:30pm. Come early and have dinner with us at 6:00!

    *Supervised care provided until 7:45 for families involved in other Wednesday night activities*

  • Wednesday nights during the School year

    6:30-7:45 PM

Kid zone

  • ​Fun that has a point. Bring the kids for a great time that matters!

    Kidzone is for kids 4 years old through the sixth grade. It is a time to meet new friends, laugh and learn. Our desire at Oak Hill is for the children to experience love, learn about their God and serve. All of this takes place in an enjoyable setting that has them leaving each week wanting more. We value our kids and we want them to grow in a natural relevant faith that fits their lives each and every day.

    Kidzone meets Wednesday nights during the School year at 6:30pm. Come early and have dinner with us at 6:00!

  • Wednesday Nights during the School Year



  • This is time for seventh and eighth graders to get together with the pastor and deal with the core issues and questions of being a follower of Jesus Christ.

    - What is the point of me?
    - Can I really know God?
    - What does He think of me?
    - Is it OK to have fun and laugh a lot?

    We meet on Wednesday evenings from 6:30-7:30pm starting in September and ending in April. The discussion is open, interactive and never the same. At the conclusion of the two years picking the pastor’s brain we hope that each student will say, “I CONFIRM IT! I am a follower of Jesus.”

    Come and check it out!

  • Wednesday Nights

    6:30-7:30pm starting in September and ending in April

Youth Group

  • The Youth Group of Oak Hill Church is designed to be a place where students in grades 7-12 can learn about who Christ is, what he has done for them, how they can know him in an intimate and awesome way and then in turn, make him known to those around them. The Youth Group meets every Sunday night from 5:00 to 7:00 pm for a time of hanging out, Bible study, games and activities.

    In addition to this, youth participate in a variety of weekend social events, outreaches and service projects and also attend retreats and conventions throughout the year.

    ​Come and check it out!

  • Sunday Nights

    5:00 to 7:00 pm for a time of hanging out, Bible study, games and activities.

VBS 2024

  • We had a GREAT time at VBS 2024 Twists & Turns!

    Check out our Highlight Video to see all the things the kids learned during VBS!


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